'HDP Baran was a lawyer for murderers'

Speaking at memorial program of Aytac Baran massacred in Diyarbakir , Huda-Par Provincial Chairman Seyhmus Tanrikulu, have drawn attention to HDP sending lawyers to defend the murder suspects of Aytac Baran.
Murdered in an armed attack in Diyarbakir New İhya-Der President Aytac Baran's family and those, who love him made a press statement to commemorate Baran where he was massacred. Speaking at the press statement, Huda-Par Diyarbakir Provincial Chairman Şeyhmus Tanrikulu, drew attention to the times that when the Muslims were the sacrificial rams is behind, stated that if HDP was to call PKK to leave their wepons also they would call to Turkish Hezboullah to leave their weapons.
Speaking at the memorial program Tanrikulu, reminded that since 12 years the PKK and their supporters more than 400 attacks to islamic NGOs especially to Huda-Par’s (Free case Party) provincial and district organizations and members.
"I condemn those who left the people to conscience of PKK for the sake of the solution process"
Indicating it is hard to Understand that none of the suspects of attacks held by the PKK have caught, Tanrikulu stated that they repeatedly condemned AK Party government that left the people to the conscience of PKK which have despot and cruel ideas, for the sake of the peace process.
Saying that the architects of the settlement process, abandoned religious people to the conscience of the PKK, Tanrikulu said, " As s result of this we have so far lost dozens of martyrs. Here today once again condemn all political parties, particularly including HDP for standing behind these cruelties and not condemning them.’’
"It is PKK organization that attacks on their oppositions in all four parts of Kurdistan"
Indicating that they aimed many tricks and traps in their recent attacks, Tanrikulu said: "Praise be to Allah that limited their tricks and traps. Their tricks and traps turned back to their heads. It is time for people of Turkey that should take lessons from this and say ‘’stop’’ to PKK who is plague for all Kurds in all four parts of Kurdistan. It is PKK that attacking to their oppositions and trying to demonize them; In Irani Kurdistan, Southern Kurdistan, and in Rojava (easthern Kurdistan)"
"If the PKK calls HDP, then also we will call Turkish Hezboullah "
Saying that PKK and their supporters carried out cowardly attacks to mosques and madrasas, HUDA-PAR and Islamic NGOs, Tanrikulu said, " In their last attack our brother Aytac Baran became Martyr. Despite everything we've always stayed silent and patient. Even on the day of the event, our general president called our members for common sense. However, what did HDP and PKK did? They are trying to escape from the responsibility by saying that it is provocation. "
Tanrikulu said, " Please curse any blackmailing, kidnapping and threatening that you might see. As our leader said; if HDP is to make call the PKK to lay down arms, we as Huda-Par will make same call to Turkish Hezboullah. But you can’t tell us not to protect ourselves while you are looking at Muslims as sacrifice sheeps and while there are guns are in your hands, plus all kinds of facilities. That period of time has already passed. Everyone needs to know that very good. "
"HDP supports those who have murdered our brother"
Tanrikulu, continued his words as follows: "O you henchmen in the Muslim shirt inside the government, you left these people to these cruel and you left the region to these despots. Now without a Shame impression you talk about Islam. Actually, however, the most important duty of a government is to provide life and property security of all people without distinguishing any. But on 6-8 October Kobane attacks all Muslims in Kurdistan were taken as target. People were murdered brutaly, murderously barbarically. No one said 'stop' to them. A number of cruels were caught. HDP, did support them. They sent lawyers to defend them. And now they sent lawyers to the people murdered our brother and are arrested and in the custody. You come in front of cameras and shamelessly deceiving the public of Turkey.’’
"If sincere, let off the two university students that you have kidnapped"
Tanrikulu continued as follows: If they are sincere they should let off, the two university students that they have kidnapped 15 days ago in Hakkari. They should stop kidnapping. They should stop threatening the oppositions in Kurdistan. 3 days ago their newly elected candidates, threatened the guards. All the Turkey saw that. Now it has been clear that Who are attackers, who are fascists, who are despota but who wants the benefit of the people and who thinks beneficiary for the people. Despite the price we have paid so far to bring peace to the people of Islam, we are still willing to pay this price again for the glory of Islam. We will not hesitate to sacrifice anything for the sake of the glory of the Muslims and Islam. Our brothers are ready to pay any cost. Here commemorate our martyr brother with mercy. Here I once again condemn and curse his enemies and the mentality who murdered him."
Event, ended after Seyhmus Tanrikulu's speech with prayers. (ILKHA)