Yapıcıoğlu: We have to be fair to find peace

In Gaziantep, speaking on the iftar program organized by his party, HUDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu said that the way for Muslims to get rid of current situation is to be brothers.
HUDA PAR Chairman Zekeriya Yapıcıoğlu participated in the iftar program organized by his party in Gaziantep. Yapıcıoğlu said that the voices of oppressed people, who were under the oppression in many parts of the world, shake the seven heaven said in the program, and paid attention to the situation in the ummah geography.
In addition to the party members, opinion leaders, scholars, NGO representatives, Syrian scholars, press members and citizens participated in the iftar [fast-breaking] program.
The program started with the recite of Qur'an. After the speech of HUDA PAR Gaziantep Provincial Chairman Mehmet Nakşi Erat, Yapıcıoğlu thanked to the guests for participated to the invitation.
Yapıcıoğlu stated that Gaziantep is a witness because Syrian refugees fled to Gaziantep and escaped from the civil war in Syria. Yapıcıoğlu said that there are people who have not a bite of bread and clean water in cross of border.
Paying attention to the situation in the Islamic Ummah Yapıcıoğlu said, “The Ummah geography is not in a good condition at all.”
“Why are we in this situation, we fight each other, why have we fall apart?" Yapıcıoğlu asks, "There is always complaining about the situation of the ummah. Well, is there a solution we can go by complain about this situation? It's good to complain. If a person does not complain about the situation, then will not look for the solution. There is an ayah that is read every Friday, everywhere in the ummah geography. Maybe it's been repeated all the time, so he's been riding in the routine and he's not getting much attention. ‘Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and given to kith and kin, and He forbids all indecent deeds, and evil and rebellion: He instructs you, that ye may receive admonition.’ Did we think why this ayah repeated every Friday, why is this ayah repeated so much? We have fallen so far away from justice in this Islamic world, in all the Islamic lands, while this ayah is being repeated this much? Let’s listening to Quran in this Ramadan by reading those ayah.”
Pointing to the Qur'an, Yapıcıoğlu said, “if we complain, we have to look for to our cure in that book,” he continued as follows:
“That book is telling us justice, goodness and help for the relatives. What are we doing as believers in this book? How much we secure the justice that we go to the mosque Every Friday and listen to that ayah? The reason of conflicts in our land is not because we are not fair? They put a measure and they say 'the strong is right. The stronger can change the rule whenever they wants.”
“There's no place we can get by doing brotherhood's literature”
Yapıcıoğlu emphasized that the only way for Muslims to get rid of this situation is to be brothers as the Qur'an declares, “If we can learn to treat each other with justice, then brotherhood law will manifest itself. There's no place we can get by doing brotherhood's literature. We need to be fair to find peace. We have to fulfill the requirements of the brotherhood law.” (İbrahim Koçyiğit – ILKHA)