UN condemns zionists massacred disabled Abu Thurayeh

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein condemned the murdering of a wheelchair-bound amputee by zionists close to the fence between Gaza and israel last Friday.
UN Human Rights High Commissioner Hussein condemned the murdering of the wheelchair-bound amputee Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh by occupation forces, who lost his legs in the air strike carried out by the zionists in Gaza in 2008.
Ibrahim Nayef Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh, a 29-year-old man from Gaza who reportedly had both legs amputated after the zionists attack on Gaza in 2008, was among hundreds of Palestinians who were marching across farmland towards the fence following Friday prayers on 15 December to protest against the US’ decision to recognize Jerusalem as israel's capital. He appears to have been killed by a bullet by the occupation troops to the head when he was approximately 20 meters from the fence.
“The facts gathered so far by my staff in Gaza strongly suggest that the force used against Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh was excessive,” Zeid said. “International human rights law strictly regulates the use of force in the context of protests and demonstrations. The lethal use of firearms should only be employed as the last resort, when strictly unavoidable, in order to protect life. However, as far as we can see, there is nothing whatsoever to suggest that Ibrahim Abu Thurayeh was posing an imminent threat of death or serious injury when he was killed. Given his severe disability, which must have been clearly visible to those who shot him, his killing is incomprehensible – a truly shocking and wanton act.”
Since President Trump's 6 December statement on Jerusalem, protests have been held throughout the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in occupied Gaza, as had been widely predicted. The response by the occupation forces has resulted in five people being killed, hundreds injured and large-scale arrests of Palestinians. The biggest flashpoint has been in Gaza where three people have been killed as protesters burned tires, threw stones, sang songs and waved flags along the fence. Zionists gang forces have responded with firearms, including live-ammunition, to disperse the protesters.
The use of live ammunition has resulted in over 220 people being injured in Gaza, including 95 on Friday alone, in addition to tens of others who sustained injuries from tear gas or rubber bullets.
I unequivocally condemn all attacks against civilians, including the indiscriminate shelling of Israeli civilian areas by armed Palestinian groups operating out of Gaza,” Zeid added. (ILKHA)