Diplomatic relations in Tehran-Riyadh restarts
Steps have been taken to correct the diplomatic crisis between Tehran and Riyadh, which began with the execution of Sheikh Nimri al Nimri by Saudi regime.
It was reported that a delegation from Saudi Arabia will visit Tehran in the coming days and a delegation from Iran will visit Riyadh.
The spokesman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry Behram Kasımi said that the visit of the delegation came to the agenda about a month ago and that the delegation was given a visa a month ago but the Iranian delegation was given a visa recently by Saudi Arabia.
Stating that the delegations will be held within the framework of visits to diplomatic venues, Kasımi said that the reciprocal visits of the delegations of the two countries will take place in the near future.
Kasımi stated that he would not be able to give a clear date of delegation when to come, but he predicted that it would probably happen at the end of the pilgrimage visits, and said that the delegation visit would be only “diplomatic venue” visits.
The crisis, which began with the execution of the Shaykh Nimri al Nimri by Saudi regime on January 2, 2016, and continued diplomatic representations of Saudi Arabia in Tehran and Mashhad to the fire, resulted in the abandonment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. (ILKHA)